Sunday, March 14, 2010

Eggscellent Project

In this egg planning project, the first step was pretty much done by Professor Kurpis. He told us what he wanted us to accomplish: building a contraption that will protect an egg from a fall. He gave us a deadline (20 mins). He also explained certain conditions we had to meet such as at least half of the egg had to be visible and how one group member had to be on line with the egg and piece of paper with the group members’ names before the clock hit 0. So as a group, we didn’t specifically say “ok, our goal here is to…”

Step 2 was again partially done when Professor Kurpis informed us of what our resources were (8 straws, masking tape, egg, one pair of scissor to be shared by all of the groups, egg). In our group, we did not really go over our strengths or weaknesses. No one asked each other about any skills and no one offered anything about any strength they might have for this particular project. The only thing I can think of as assessing a potential advantage was to see who was the shortest so that the person could be the one to drop the egg at the lowest height. Other than that, we just went straight ahead to coming up with alternative strategies.

Step 3 involves developing the different solutions. There was a lot of stalling here. We came up with a lot of different minor tweaks on essentially one same idea. We came up with only 2 solutions that we were seriously considering to implement when the time came to actually make the contraption. It was either going to be a cage-like device that surrounded the egg and try to buffer it on the fall. Weakness with that is that the straws were quite thin and would not provide much of a buffer. The other alternative which ended up being successful was to connect the straws and tape and have the egg hanging off the end of it so that it had a much shorter fall to the ground. The issue with this was if we had enough straws to be able to provide some cover for the egg and to use for the chain.

In Step 4 we had to choose which alternative we would actually go with. We ended up choosing the 2nd one with the chain of straws because we felt that having the egg fall at a lower height would really help out more. In this step, we did not allocate roles though.
When it came to implementing our plan in step 5, everyone helped out and work with the egg and straws. It was kind of weird I guess because no one actually vocalized and said “I’m going to do this part and you’re going to do that”. But it still work because we were working together and even though we did not officially assign roles, we were still aware of what the others were doing and who needed more tape and things like that. The guys ended up making the chain and the girls worked on putting trying to make an outer cage-like buffer for the egg.

I think we were successful because our idea in having the egg fall from a lower height was a good functional plan; a lot of the other teams had cage-like contraptions that we had also thought about making. The straws just weren’t strong enough to act as effective buffers from a great height. So we gave ourselves the competitive advantage by having it fall from a lower height. But we were also lucky as Professor Kurpis had said other groups who had done similar thing in the past still were not successful in saving the egg.

Even though we were successful, as a group, we could’ve been more effective at planning. We would have been more efficient if we had chosen a leader and maybe apply step 2 more in looking for our strengths and weaknesses. Having assigned roles might have also help time-wise. But overall, I think we got the gist of planning and did well.


  1. Your group did really well; I thought your idea was really good. Your planning process was really solid and it sounds like you all worked really well with each other. My group worked well but then we were really not that organized when we got the materials. I thought the chain and buffers for the egg was a really good idea. Anyways thanks for the post, it’s good to see other planning process and using to compare to my groups. Thanks

  2. I applaud you on your success! That was a slick move, and it was ingenious. I was so shocked when I saw your design. My group had an insane amount of ideas and sketches, and in the end, none of them work. Good job :)

  3. Congrats! My egg was not as lucky, cracking open and spilling its guys all over. Seems like you guys didn't reall go through all the steps in planning, but thinking outside the box really helped! My group did not even come close to an idea like that. We went through so many different designs and finally decided on one, but sadly it didn't work out. No 5 poitns for us. =[

  4. I was surprised on ur design, because I just think we need to drop the egg in the very high place, we only think we need to protect the egg, we never think that way. Good job, so smart.

  5. I think your idea was great. It really went outside the box, which can somewhat be an advantage. Most of us just thought about somehow wrapping the egg or creating a contraption around the egg. A lot of times when it comes to a task like this, it's the ideas that stick out and are very different that work successfully.

  6. It's interesting because we had the same situation for step 2. Nobody in our group asked about who has what skills and we also used the shortest person to drop the egg. I actually came up with the idea that your group did but we asked the professor if we were allowed to do that. To our groups understanding we thought we couldn't but I guess it was just a confussion. Good Job!

  7. I think what you guys did was very creative and smart!, I didn't even think that it will have been allowed, but it followed all the rules, genius! great job guys

  8. congratulations! I really thought that was a great idea. The project reminded me of one of those classical brainteasers and your group was the only one to find the smart solution.

  9. Wow so wonderful. I guess when people first heard this they would definitely think of how to protect an egg when it hits, but your group has an completely different way! Great!

  10. Your planning method was very out the box. I think most people limited themselves from how high they had to drop the egg from and your group though on how to get around that which was the difference maker in this experiment. Kudo's to the innovative thinking and I applaud your group for a successful drop.
