Saturday, March 20, 2010

First off, I want to thank Bailey for stepping up to the plate as a leader. Our leader/group interaction was one where leader and group both had same amount of power. I think Bailey did a great job as a facilitator/moderator in gathering and organizing ideas from the group. She was orderly about it going from one side of the room to the next. She was respectful of everyone’s ideas and concerns. However, I do think that when some people objected to some things, she should’ve ask why they object instead of instantly dropping the idea/issue. And then let the person who came up with the idea explain themselves better and try to convince the objectors to change their mind. This might have been hard to execute though with the time constraints.

There wasn’t too much conflict which was surprising to me. It is such a large group of people with many different personalities and feelings in regard to this test. Personally, I don’t like conflicts in general. But that’s not why I was accommodating here. In this situation, a lot of the choices for this first test wouldn’t have affected my grade as much as the others so I didn’t feel the need to object to anything. There were a few ideas for the second test that I wasn’t 100% in agreement with but nothing that I felt so strongly about that I would object to it if the majority of the class wanted it.

Overall, I am pleasantly surprised that such a huge class can come to a decision. It was frustrating for some people at times but there weren’t any huge conflicts. The frustration came more in part because of time-constraints and because we were making the decision in a risk environment. We were not sure how far we could go with this and which decision would give us the best outcome. In the end, even though I don’t think 100% of the class all agree that the decision we made was the BEST one, it is still an accomplishment to come to a unanimous satisficing decision. Hopefully we can all take advantage of the decision we made to do better next time.


  1. I agree about discussing why people object to certain ideas which did happen at certain times but not all. I agree that maybe it's because of time constraints but also that the other ideas would just not work because it's obvious it would only benefit one or a few individuals in the class.

    It is pretty cool that we managed to get 100% agreement on the decision.

  2. I agree with you that the group leader did a great job at facilitating the whole process. In fact, I think under the time constraints, we did came up with the best solution. I was just as surprised how a huge group like our class managed to reach a 100 percent agreement. We can definitely learn from this activity.

  3. I think asking people why they come up with the idea is important. It's kind like a short persuasive presentation to make more people to agree with. If the reason is not reasonable or only benefit for minority can directly kick out. I think Bailey did a great job and she can be an excellent manager in the future i think. I'm really appraciate she controls the chaos situation and help us make a best solution in the limited time.

  4. I thought Bailey did an amazing job! I was wondering why she didn't voice her own opinion either. I'm sure if she questioned why some of the students objected, she could have persuaded them toward agreeing with us. But now that I think about it, by doing that, she may also have discouraged kids to participate by making them feel like there's "no chance of winning".

  5. I appreciated for our leader, she did a very good job.I agreed with almost every suggestion listed on the board,but I think it's impossible to let everyone agree the same idea. In this test, everyone had differnt grade, almost everyone only think about their situation.So I was surprised that we finally win the chance to make better on our grade.

  6. I, as well, didn't understand why there was no discussion or reasoning when a objection was raised about a certain idea. We as a group should have confirmed our misgivings with reason and logic rather than simply unfounded objections. If gives order to the entire decision process and allows students to influence other students and reinforce the idea with others that are on the border of decision.

  7. i totally agree with you. a hugeee amount of credit should go to Bailey for the exceptional job she did as a leader. if it wasnt for her leadership abilities, than we would not have reached a decision. I also liked the manner in which she handled everything: from going left to right, erasing the choices once people objected to them. I think that was necessary because we didnt have that much time and had a lot of options so we needed to narrow the list down as fast as we could! Sure, discussing why someone doesnt liek a particular idea would be very productive and insightful, it wouldn't have got us anywhere, given the time limits, as you mentioned yourself.

  8. I agree with you it is important to learn how to accommodate with people especially in a group this big. Although it was a bit frustrating, I think it's normal because everyone has different ideas. The good thing is that we came up with a decision in the end.

  9. I agree, Bailey did a good job when it came to taking up the leadership role. She respected everyone's ideas. I think that by her not asking why to anyone who had a disagreement, was part of her giving that respect.

  10. Everyone has their own idea of how the professor should handle the first test therefore a leader was needed. I agree with you, that Bailey did a great job and it was even more necessary because of the amount of people in the class. If everyone was just stating their own ideas we would never had came to a unanimous decision, and therefore not being able to choose what to do for the first test.

  11. I think it could be helpful to ask people why they object this or that option. Honestly, I never thought that multiple multiple choice questions are not that bad till that one girl simply explained that we get partial credit for it instead of just losing the whole point (like in regular multiple choice). Things should be discussed and explained in a real decision making process. But we didn't have enough time for it unfortunately.
