Saturday, May 15, 2010

Management class was not just about books and tests
Our group activities were practical, memorable, and fun
And you still learn the concepts best
When all is said and done,
Specific terms and models you may not remember
But the decision making process you will render
Many management styles there are
From D to I to S to C
Communication is key
Remember this and you’ll go far

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Communicating via Blog

When we started doing the blog, I thought it would be an annoying assignment. This is because I don’t particularly like writing and especially not when I’m forced to for a class. However, the assignments were not bad. I like that everything just related back to the projects we did in class. Not only does this make it easier to write about but it also gives us a chance to really think about and reflect on what we learn in class. So I think the blog definitely accomplishes that goal of Prof K intent with adding the blog component. And of course, it is also a plus that it is an easy way to get a good portion of your grade. Although this never really occurred to me while I was writing the blog, the blog does serve as a buffer for your grades. It can help compensate for poorer test scores that are not necessarily a surefire indication of whether you know the subject matter or not (some people are just not good test-takers). So I definitely think it should remain a component of the course.

I don’t know about others, but for me, communicating here did not really extend to communication in the classroom. I think most people stick to the seats/area that they have been sitting at from the beginning. I don’t think it is entirely bad that communicating online did not translate into the classroom. In fact, I think the blog was good for this reason. It allowed people who could not/did not communicate with each other in class to be able to do so in online form. Communication is communication, no matter what form it takes. I am not sure if I will continue on this blog after this class but for the duration of the semester, it was not as bad as I thought it might have been. I enjoyed reading everyone’s blog especially the McDonald extra credit entries.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The ABCs of DISC

For the DISC diagnostic I got a S-c. This result is a pretty accurate in determining my management type. S is for Steadiness, this type of people are more predictable. They work best in situations that are stable, consistent, and controlled. It’s good for teamwork as S types are very patient and cooperative. The C for conscientiousness shows that I like structure and rules. I am cautious about following regulations. I don’t like to be impulsive, it takes me a while to make certain decisions because I’m usually thinking and analyzing (sometimes maybe more than is necessary). The S and C are pretty closely correlated so it makes sense that I would have bit of both.

I do wish that I could be more of a D at times. In certain situations, you do have to be more aggressive in order to get things done the way you feel would be best. I think it would be pretty difficult to become another type if you have been a certain type for most of your life. But I do think certain skills from each type can be develop as one matures and gets more experience within a management opportunity. Going from a S or C to a D or I comes with building your confidence which comes from just being in more situations where you have to step up and take charge. Going from a D or I to more of a S or C also comes with time. As you mature and gain experience in different types of situation, you will see that rules or cooperation and such are necessary to accomplish certain tasks.

Knowing people’s management type could be helpful to an extent because if you know how or what type of environment they work better in, it can help in your interactions. It can help knowing what approach might work better and how to get people to do their best.